Aging gel

It is a water-based product indicated for decoration of textured coatings promoting effects of the most varied depending on the form of application.
 Available only in 0.900 liter packaging
Ambiente Inovador
Ambiente Inovador
Efeito Perolizado
Efeito Perolizado
General: every surface must be properly clean, porous and dry, free from dust or any other type of dirt. In the case of greasy or greased surfaces, first remove the dirt with water and detergent. On moldy surfaces, apply a solution of water and hypochlorite in the proportion of a part of water to a part of hypochlorite and rinse after 6 hours. Apply the paint after at least 24 hours of drying. Surfaces that have a shine should be sanded and cleaned before applying paint.
Weak plastering or whitewashing: remove loose parts, sand and apply the Ciacollor wall primer. In some cases it is necessary to use acrylic putty (exterior) or putty (interior) to correct the surface before applying the paint. New plaster: wait at least 30 days for curing and use one coat of Ciacollor Acrylic Sealer. After this process, apply the paint.

 NOTE: do not apply the product on damp surfaces. Treat the moisture problem before applying the paint. This product cannot be applied on enamelled, glazed, closed or non-porous surfaces.

 As soon as you open the package, stir the product with a spatula / ruler or similar so that it becomes homogeneous.

Dilute with up to 40% clean water depending on the desired effect. Before starting the painting, stir the product again so that it reaches the ideal point for application and performance.

Roller, brush or pistol.

 810 ml: 10 to 12 m² / coat
The yield may change according to the surface, tool used and experience of the applicator. Surface preparation is essential for the product to yield what is expected.
The surface must be very smooth and with a deep color to obtain a good performance. Performance also varies depending on the color used.

 2 hours to touch, 24 hours final. This time may vary according to the local climatic conditions at the time of application.

Click on one of the files below and download it:

Aging Gel Boletim Técnico Gel Perolizado FISPQ FISPQ

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