
Interior Leveling Coating

Interior Leveling Coating


Replace Plaster

Levels and Corrects Imperfections

10% Dilution

Excellent Finish

For Indoor Use
Substitui o Reboco
Substitui o Reboco
Nivela e Corrige Imperfeições da Parede
Nivela e Corrige Imperfeições da Parede
Excelente Acabamento
Excelente Acabamento
INTERIOR LEVELING COATING acrylic coating with excellent filling power indicated to replace the plaster on walls of ceramic bricks or blocks of good quality with well-done laying. It can also be used to level and correct imperfections in masonry walls in general. This product is available in versions: indoor and outdoor. Follow NBR 13528.


The entire surface must be properly clean and dry, free from dust or any other type of dirt, grease, release agent, etc. The surface should not have broken, cracked or cracked bricks or blocks. In case of broken parts or holes, treat the problem before starting to level the surface. The surface must not be damp or moldy. Failure to follow these recommendations can lead to adherence and staining problems.


Up to 10% clean water can be used for dilution depending on the application equipment.


Steel spatula or trowel, nylon or airless textured roller.


15 Kg bag: 3 to 4 m2 per coat.
25 Kg barrel: 6 to 7 m2 per coat.

The yield may vary according to the surface conditions, equipment used and the applicator's experience.


We recommend the application in 2 layers, respecting the time of 4 hours between layers. The ideal layer thickness is 1.5 to 2 mm per applied coat. Depending on the surface conditions, an additional layer may be required.


30 minutes to touch, 4 hours between coats and 6 hours final. This time may vary according to the local climatic conditions at the time of application.

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