Special coatings


Ciacristal Coating

Outdoor - Indoor

Rustic Effect

 Thicker particle size

Only available in Iluminare version
Disponível apenas na versão Iluminare
Disponível apenas na versão Iluminare
Granulometria mais Espessa
Granulometria mais Espessa
Acabamento Rústico
Acabamento Rústico
 product is indicated for obtaining a rustic textured effect on masonry without the need for a posterior finish for external and internal surfaces. The application is made only with a trowel, leaving the product with a flat aspect, without risk or sharp aspect. Ideal for areas of high traffic of people since it does not hurt if there is contact. It has small crystals in its composition, making the apparent surface shine. It is available in the illuminated version (with gloss). This product follows the classification of standard NBR 11702 type 4.6.3.

Masonry, plastering, concrete and cemented.

 This product does not require homogenization.

Dilute the product with up to 250 mL of water, adjusting to the ideal application point.

Spatula, steel and acrylic trowel.

 From 3.0 to 4.0 kg per square meter, that is, each 25 kg bucket makes approximately 6 to 8 m2. The yield may change according to the surface, tool used, applicator experience and thickness of the layer used on the surface.

 We recommend applying in 1 or 2 layers depending on the surface conditions. If the surface is uneven, require at least two coats for the finish to be adequate.

 4 hours to touch and 7 days final. This time may vary according to the local climatic conditions at the time of application.

Click on one of the files below and download it:

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